Friday, January 31, 2014

Peyton Throws Good Ducks

In an interview yesterday, Peyton Manning once again had everybody laughing. Richard Sherman made a statement that Peyton Manning throws ducks. Peyton confirmed it by adding on that he throws nice ducks and touchdown ducks. Peyton's arm may be starting to weaken, but it doesn't look like it matters. I mean, he did break pretty much every record in the book this year. This is going to be a Superbowl for the ages! Who are you predicting to win? Comment Below! Do you think any of Peyton Manning's ducks will make the Not So Top 10 next year?

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Richard Sherman! The Opposite of a Thug

We hear of funny sports stories often. This week is all about Richard Sherman. Richard Sherman is everywhere. Try and turn on SportsCenter and see what happens. Nobody can go five minutes without talking about this man. Everyone knows what took place after the NFC Championship game and for those of you who don't know, I will post a video. After calling out Michael Crabtree (receiver for the 49ers) Sherman was criticized throughout social media when really nobody knows his background. Richard Sherman just earned his way into Superbowl on a game saving play. What do you think is going to happen thirty seconds after he makes the game saving play? He was heated in the moment and it’s unacceptable for people to be racist all over the internet. Little do these people know how smart and respectful of a person Richard Sherman actually is. Growing up in Compton, Sherman was one of the few with success. This so called thug graduated high school at the top of his class and went on to graduate from Stanford with a 3.9 GPA while playing football full time. He is one of the smartest players in the game. Take a few minutes to watch the above video 
Richard Sherman - Student of the Game. 

Follow Richard Sherman on Twitter

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Budlight, You Get Inside Peyton’s Mouth

As you all know, Peyton Manning has been dominating the league this year. He has broken the record for most yards in a single season with 5,477 yards and the record for most touchdowns with 55. Last weekend the Broncos had their first battle of the playoffs. They seemed to have dominated the game for the most part, but the Chargers fought back at the end. After an intense fourth quarter the Broncos came out with a 24-17 victory over the Chargers. After a stressful game he was being questioned about his future with the NFL due to his previous neck injury. The reporter asked how much longer he thinks he has left in the NFL, and Peyton's response was rather hilarious. See for yourself!
Funny sports stories


Introductory Post

Picture of Nicky Frisone

Good afternoon, my name is Nicky Frisone. One of my biggest passions is sports. I've grown up my whole life playing baseball and football. Not only do I love sports in general but I enjoy the inside stories, especially the funny sports stories. Famous athletes are regular people just like you and me. They make mistakes just like we make mistakes. They have a sense of humor that most of us don't know about. My blog is going to mainly focus on these funny sports moments and events. Every week I will be updating this blog. Not only will I post the most hilarious stories of the week but I will also focus on the main stories and inspirational stories inside the world of sports. I hope to make this the best blog for funny sports stories

If you would like to follow me here are my links to social media
