Thursday, April 17, 2014

Packer Soulmates

Dating sites are becoming more and more popular. There are dating sites ranging from (a dating site for Christians to meet), to (a dating site for southern farmer folks), to (pretty self explanatory). The percentage of couples meeting online is increasing year after year. People say they feel more confident getting to know someone online and therefore become less nervous.
What does this have to do with sports? Well the Green Bay Packers have just created a website called This is a brand new website dedicated to Green Bay Packer football fans. Now fans can get romantic with each other and grow families with little Packer children! I find this quite hilarious and such a funny idea.
From personal experience, there’s no greater feeling than rooting your favorite team on with your life long partner who has the same passion. I expect a trend to follow with other sports teams creating similar websites. Check out their new website HERE

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

SportsCenters Not Top 10 of the Week

        Every once in a while I'm going to feature the weeks Not Top 10 plays of the week presented by SportsCenter. There was a lot of action in sports this week. You can catch some of funniest bloopers from this week in the video above.
        This was opening week in for Major League Baseball. There was a lot of miscommunications for some teams. The number 10 play of the week features Derek Jeter and Kelly Johnson. The ball just goes right through both of their legs. Things like this happen but what shouldn't happen is play number 5. Junior Lake of the Chicago Cubs was wearing the wrong uniform! He didn't realize it until the game was about to be underway. The monster Mike Trout also made the cut but not because he made a mistake (he never makes mistakes). He hit a shot to left field and the ball got stuck in the wall. I've never seen something like that happen.
        Moving on from baseball comes the number one play, which features Wichita States Cleanthony Early. Everything goes wrong in his attempt to win the dunk competition. He fails miserably. While attempting to jump over 3 fans, his foot hit the fans head because he did not jump high enough. This caused Early to fall to the ground and not even come close. Check out the Not Top 10 above!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Lebron the Copy Cat

Come on Lebron! It's like you are asking to get made fun of. Last night after the Miami Heat lost to the Minnesota Timberwolves Lebron James decided to sport a "Pharrel like hat." As you can all remember, Pharrell wore the same hat at the Grammy Awards this year. This sparked up a lot of talk and Pharrell was teased quite a bit.

The extremely ironic thing about this hat is that Pharrell wears it every time he sings the song "Happy." After losing a close battle in double overtime, Lebrons intentions of wearing this hat could be questioned. Did he wear this hat to just gain attention for himself? Did he wear the hat to distract the media from the loss? Or did he wear it because he was simply happy?
The Miami Heat are once again heading into the playoffs but the question is can they beat the Pacers again? This is one of the teams that they struggle the most against. Many people say no team can be the Heat in a seven game series but I highly disagree. I believe the NBA Finals this year will be the Pacers vs. Spurs! What are your thoughts?