Thursday, April 17, 2014

Packer Soulmates

Dating sites are becoming more and more popular. There are dating sites ranging from (a dating site for Christians to meet), to (a dating site for southern farmer folks), to (pretty self explanatory). The percentage of couples meeting online is increasing year after year. People say they feel more confident getting to know someone online and therefore become less nervous.
What does this have to do with sports? Well the Green Bay Packers have just created a website called This is a brand new website dedicated to Green Bay Packer football fans. Now fans can get romantic with each other and grow families with little Packer children! I find this quite hilarious and such a funny idea.
From personal experience, there’s no greater feeling than rooting your favorite team on with your life long partner who has the same passion. I expect a trend to follow with other sports teams creating similar websites. Check out their new website HERE

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